Princess Eugenie's Royal Wedding Entourage May Include Prince George, Charlotte, Expert Says

Princess Eugenie's royal wedding entourage will likely include Princess Beatrice, Prince George and Princess Charlotte. Pictured: James Brooksbank and Princess Eugenie pose in the Picture Gallery at Buckingham Palace after they announced their engagement on Jan. 22, 2018 in London. Photo: Getty Images/Jonathan Brady

By Catherine Armecin, International Business Times

Princess Eugenie will likely choose her family's children to be her bridesmaids and other members of her entourage instead of her celebrity friends.

The next royal bride is close to Ellie Goulding and Cara Delevingne. But Princess Eugenie will likely stick to the tradition of having children as part of her entourage instead of adults, so she will not be overshadowed.

[post_ads]"I think the couple will rule out having older adults playing a big part in the ceremony, not least because it's royal tradition, but also because of the celebrity nature of their friendship circle," James Brooks told Express.

"When you're close friends with the likes of Ellie Goulding and Cara Delevingne as Eugenie is, there's the risk of being overshadowed. And Eugenie will, like any bride, want to be the centre of attention on her big day!" he continued.

Brookes added that there are many children who Princess Eugenie can choose to include in her entourage such as Prince William and Kate Middleton's kids. Thus, Prince George and Princess Charlotte may have roles in the event.

"I wouldn't be surprised if Eugenie chooses little ones from inside the family, so it's perfectly possible that could see another wedding party appearance from Prince George and Princess Charlotte," Brooks said.

"The Tindalls' daughter Mia is also a possibility, as are the Phillips' daughters, Savannah and Isla - although, after her recent Trooping appearance, I'm sure mum and dad will have a few words with Savannah if they're chosen so it's the bride who steals the show this time," Brookes added.
As for Princess Eugenie's maid of honor, Brooks believes that she will likely give the role to her sister, Princess Beatrice. Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson's daughters have a great connection despite their differences.

"We get on fantastically well, perhaps because we do and think different things. I am definitely not as polite as Beatrice, I have to say. I tell it as it is. I am shyer at first," Princess Eugenie told The Telegraph. "Like, at a party I will say to Beatrice as we go in, 'Oh, you go first.' But then, when we're actually in, I am much louder and she is far more polite and solicitous."

Princess Eugenie is set to exchange "I do's" with Jack Brooksbank in October at St. George's Chapel at Windsor.


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Entertainment News: Princess Eugenie's Royal Wedding Entourage May Include Prince George, Charlotte, Expert Says
Princess Eugenie's Royal Wedding Entourage May Include Prince George, Charlotte, Expert Says
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