Santa Banta News Network
The former Miss Teen Northeast, The F.I.R actress, Mahika Sharma is being trolled on social media for expressing her sexual desires regarding Shahid Afridi.
Quoting her in an interview, "...You will be surprised but I was a child, I was just 13 years old. I used to keep kissing Afridi's pictures (laughs). And when I started exploring about sex, I started fantasising him and kept myself satisfied..."
When asked if she tried contacting him, she said that she respects the fact that he has a family but won't mind a 'hello' from him.
After the statement, she has been harassed sexually online. In fact, as she says, they are asking her 'rate' and sending pictures of their private parts.
But the bold actress pays no heed to these trolls. She feels that she can be as open about her sexual desires as any other male celebrity.
To quote her, "Sex is no big deal these days. If boys can openly talk about their crushes and fantasies, why do we girls need to have a lakshman rekha? I don't believe in gender discrimination. Why can't I be open about my desires?"
The actress, seemingly, is too bold in her attitude for the social media to handle.